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Catalog Goodies

Catalog Pictures

These scans were taken from a 1989 Kenner Toy catalog. The booklet also contained other toy lines created by Kenner that were sold that year. These catalogs were used for companies to see what new and upcoming toys there were and which ones they would like to buy and market from their stores.

Non-Released Items

Here are some really interesting items that were also taken from Kenner yearly catalogs that as far as I am aware, were never released to be sold to the public. If you have any proof that they were indeed sold, please e-mail me right away!

This is the Mane Event Center. It was actually featured in the 1987 Pamphlet that came with the six original fillies. It is believed that the points on the back of the boxes were to be mailed in to be redeemed for this play set. No collector has ever seen it, and so it is believed to be a promotional item that remained a prototype. If you have real pictures of one, please let me know!

These next pictures were shown in the 1989 Kenner toy catalog. I have never seen these items in all the years that I have been collecting. I did get an e-mail once of someone who could remember buying the accessories fashioned by Janel, but there were no pictures of proof, and so it must be regarded still as a prototype.

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