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Pink Hair

Purple Hair


"Josselyn is the ultimate FashionStar Fillies horse! This super model comes with the StarStyler braider, a stand, a comb and six barrettes to create very special hairdos for all of the FashionStar Fillies horses." - Pamphlet

Josselyn is a fleshy pink with darker purple-pink points. She came with either pink or dark purple hair. In some cases she had semi-tight curly hair. I've only seen this in Purple Josselyn. She also has tinsel mixed in her mane and tail. Her hair is incredibly long to let you use the braider with ease.

  • Two Green Square Barrettes
  • Two Purple Triangle Barrettes
  • One Green Triangle Barrette
  • One Purple Square Barrette
  • White and Pink Stand
  • Orange and Pink Star Braider
  • Pink Shooting Star Brush

Originals | SixTeens | Feelin' Fancy | Josselyn | Cliff | Royal Beauties | SongStar | SweetScent

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