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What's New?

1/2/2006 I have moved the trade/sale lists to a new php/javascript driven board. This is more guestbook like in that you can only make a post, more or less annonymously. There are no abilities to reply to a post or edit it without contacting me. Therefore, it is important for you to put your email address in your post or in the provided field so that you can be contacted and proofread your post well before making it. If you wish to update your list you may contact me with updates, or more preferrably, just make a new post and your updated list will be bumped to the top. I will periodically go through and delete old and duplicate lists as well as erroneous posts. If this system does not work well, I will research a new method. My priority was to stay away from ads, and to let anyone post without having to sign up to post. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or whatever please drop me a line! The discussion board will remain on ezboard until I find an appropriate replacement to allow users to post and reply in a thread format.

To move your old list, visit the old ezboard at: http://p214.ezboard.com/bfillycatwalkchat copy your list from your latest post, and paste into a new message on the new boards at: http://www.fashionstarfillies.com/lists/wlists.htm AND http://www.fashionstarfillies.com/lists/tslists.htm

Added a 1987 FashionStar Fillies commercial section to the Collector's Corner. You can view the small embedded version or stream a larger version. Very cute 30 second clip.

Added a version 1.0 filly price guide. It only contains suggested prices for each of the fillies and their accessories. I will be creating a clothing and accessory set pricing guide hopefully in the near future. Please use this guide only as that and not as hard truth. I cannot stress enough that prices fluctuate enormously.

Fixed "Joelene" on the Individual Songstar pages to "Jolene"

Slow Loading: The server that is hosting fashionstarfillies.com is being moved to a new fiber optics network. Because of this move, the IP address for the server has to be changed. The Domain Name Server (DNS) (the special server that resolves the name fashionstarfillies.com to it's numeric IP address) caches (stores) the IP address for up to a week. So when you type in www.fashionstarfillies.com it tries to resolve to the old IP address, when it times out and can't find the server on that IP address anymore, it then looks for the alternate new and correct IP address and that's when the page loads. So while the DNS is updating its entries over the next week or so, the pages will load slow, thereafter you should be getting excellent load times due to the new fiber network.

Your help is needed: I've decided to add some more information to this site specific to the horses in the form of NRFB pictures. I have several of the horses NRFB and will be posting those pictures over the course of the next few weeks, in addition I know there are several of you collectors out there who have NRFB pictures that I do not have. I am looking for any and all variations of the fillies NRFB including brush colors and first and second edition boxes in the originals (marked by the "fashion included" ad), variant poses, and light and dark versions of sixteens. These MUST be NRFB pictures, hair still in the plastic and fillies zip tied to the box. If you have any to contribute please email me at cattrah(at)gmail(dot)com.

Updates: added Box quote to SongStar Sixteens page. Realized that "SixTeens" is the proper name and changed it all over the site. I may have missed it in some of the paragraphs, but I guess this is good enough.

Did small corrections to sweet scents Gina and Feelin' Fancy Devan's accessories. Did a few other small updates and changes.

Did small updates all around the site correcting mistakes and spelling errors. Corrected the checklist.

Updated Pictures of Janis, Jolene, Bobbi, Shara, Lalana, Gina, Darci, and Tamara. Fixed a few spelling errors and updated some information in said sections.

Welcome to the new look to the Filly Catwalk posted to the internet for the public for the first time! There are many new pictures, new tutorials, new information, and a ton of great stuff to see. If there are any broken links or scripts that aren't working, please let me know so I can fix them. Thanks for visiting!

Welcome to the new interface of the Filly Catwalk! Please find your way around the site and enjoy all the new pictures and information! If there are any broken links or misrepresented information, please e-mail me.

Originals | SixTeens | Feelin' Fancy | Josselyn | Cliff | Royal Beauties | SongStar | SweetScent

©2000 - The Filly Catwalk all right reserved.