Fun Fashions
"Whether its an elegant dinner for two or a star-studded Hollywood party, Niki looks sensational in the StarLace
Evening gown. Everyone is sure to notice her in this stunning outfit." - Trading Card
StarLace Evening Gown includes:
- Black and Gold Dress
- Black and Gold Purse
- Black and Gold Mesh Headband
- Black and Gold Lace Veil *
- Trading Card
*Note: There is an alternate flower patterned veil
Fun Fashions
"The long elegant veil and shimmery satin gown of the FiveStar Wedding ensemble makes Joelle a stunning bride.
Everyone is sure to only have eyes for her as she comes down the aisle." - Trading Card
FiveStar Wedding Gown includes:
- White and Iridescent Dress
- White Mesh Veil with Flower
- White and Iridescent Purse
- Pink and White Garter
- Trading Card
Fun Fashions
"Chloe keeps her figure slim and sleek by working out. But Chloe never goes anywhere without looking her
best so she's wearing the StarPower Workout outfit." - Trading Card
StarPower Workout Outfit includes:
- Pink Blue and Yellow Jumpsuit
- Multicolor Headband
- Hot Pink and Yellow Duffle Bag *
- Four Multicolor Striped Leggings
- Trading Card
*Note: European version bag has a light pink strap.
Fun Fashions
"The BeachStar Beauty swimwear, completely with a beach towel, beach bag and a flower for her hair,
makes Calla the star of any beach. From Florida to California or all around the world, Calla is sure to turn
up the heat on any beach." - Trading Card
BeachStar Beauty Swimwear includes:
- Hawaiian Print Bathing Suit
- Orange Hibiscus Headband
- Hawaiian Print and Teal Bag
- Pink Felt Towel
- Trading Card